Woman arrested for killing Her Co-Wife On New Year’s Day In Bauchi

Woman arrested for killing Her Co-Wife On New Year’s Day In Bauchi

Woman arrested for killing her co-wife on  New Year’s Day in Bauchi

A 50-year-old woman, Amina Guguwa, has been arrested by police operatives for killing her co-wife in Miya, Bauchi State.

According to a press release by the spokesperson of the Bauchi police command, SP Ahmed Mohammed Wakil, the suspect on January 1, 2023, strangled to death one Amina Koli, 60, following a physical confrontation.

He said that Amina Guguwa, the suspect, criminally used force on the victim by strangulating her neck tight and as a result she di£d on the spot.

On receiving the report, a team of detectives were drafted and rushed to the scene where they evacuated the victim to the General Hospital Ganjuwa for a post-mortem examination where she was certified dead by a medical doctor.

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