Part 2| Story Of ILERIOLUWA OLADIMEJI ALOBA Popularly Known As Mohbad/imole

Part 2| Story Of ILERIOLUWA OLADIMEJI ALOBA Popularly Known As Mohbad/imole

Part 2| Story Of ILERIOLUWA OLADIMEJI ALOBA Popularly Known As Mohbad/imole

Continuation: aside his record label boys he has other young boys he recruit who helps in carrying out his drug business, one thing led to another, he started restricting Mohbad from going out alone, if he goes out he sees people trailing him, it was that bad, he then confided in some of his friends and they told him to run for his dear life if not it’s a life time contract or they take his life, on hearing that he summoned Naira Marley that he wants to leave the record label that was the beginning of his nightmare, Naira refused saying he can’t just opt out like that, this degenerated into serious arguement and Mohbad was Beaten blue black by Naira Marley boys, one of his arm even got broken in the process, Bella was in the know of all these happening, he was updating Bella how things were going, he manage to stay in the record label for a month more then one evening he wrote a letter as advised by friends, trying to make it official that he wants to leave the record label, Naira Marley tore the letter right in front of him and walk him out, that night Mohbad said he was done and walked out on his boss Naira, Naira on the other hand seeing that he like this boy don mean business he went out to plan with the NDLEA officials to come raid Mohbad so that even when they finally fall out and Mohbad tries to say all he knows, people will call him a drug addict and not pay attention to his words, luckily that day when NDLEA raided their house, he went on live and spill some things but Naira was ready for the damage control, he said it was drug that made him say such things and he has abused drugs a lot, he was taken to the hospital after the NDLEA saga even though nothing was wrong with him, few days after he was discharged, his team reached out to me and said he was contemplating suicide, that I should please save them from Naira that they are small boys trying to fend for themselves, I told them to write another letter and send to Naira, if he tears it or not this time around, it’s on him, they wrote the letter and sent me a copy, after I got the letter I then wrote a warning post( I don’t know if anybody remember) I did a warning post telling Naira to leave Mohbad alone.

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